metroSTOR Cycle Stores – Roof Types
metroSTOR bin and bike stores are designed for ease of specification either pre-engineered or bespoke. The configurable approach extends to roof design systems where there are a number of factors to consider including site security requirements, planning conditions and biodiversity net gain considerations.
In standard configuration, metroSTOR bin and bike stores have a profiled steel roofing system. An enclosure only specification is available where site conditions do not require a roof covering.
External bin and bike stores are ideally suited to green roof applications, helping increase biodiversity on new developments, increasing CO2 capture, reducing rainwater run-off and enabling the softening effect of nature on the urban landscape.
Specified with either extensive or intensive lightweight green roof systems, metroSTOR H-Series extensive systems support primarily sedum plants, while the intensive version with an increased substrate depth, supports a mix of sedum and wildflower plants.
There are five metroSTOR Roof Design Systems: