Free webinar – A Legal Perspective on E-mobility Devices, The Building Safety Act and the Fire Safety Act with metroSTOR

⚠️ This webinar is in the past. Watch the live recording below ⚠️

As Lithium-ion battery-powered mobility devices continue to cause death and injury in residential buildings across the globe, the
team here at metroSTOR continue with our mission to raise awareness with UK social landlords and fire safety practitioners.

Our objective is to provide a clear summary of the risks and any legislation or statutory guidance that may be applicable along with solutions that can be employed to reduce the risk without impacting on residents’ quality of life.

Three leading lawyers from Devonshires Solicitors LLP are pleased to join us for the third webinar in this series*, so we look forward
to bringing you the latest top-level legal advice on the storage and charging of e-mobility devices, particularly in light of the recent introduction of the Building Safety Act and the Fire Safety Act.

Sign up here for our 2 hour webinar at 10am on the 16th March to hear from our guest speakers from Devonshires:

o Mark London, Partner and Head of the Construction, Engineering & Procurement team

o  Mark Foxcroft, Partner in the Housing Management & Property Litigation team

o Yaasica Hamilton-Haye, Solicitor in the Construction, Engineering & Procurement team

* Watch the last two webinars here

Learning Objectives:

● For context: why e-mobility devices represent a fire risk and how often serious events have occurred

● Understand the legal responsibilities placed on landlords and Responsible Persons under the Building Safety Act and Fire Safety Act

● Review the implications of the Building Safety Act and Fire Safety Act in respect of the storage and charging of e-mobility devices

● Consider the legal tools landlords and Responsible Persons can utilise to mitigate the risk posed by the storage and charging of
e-mobility scooters in their buildings

● Develop strategies and tools to help you mitigate this risk without conflict with the rights of users and other residents

E-mobility fire

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