John Whittle Lodge, Brighton
With a property inspection by East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service highlighting the storage and charging of mobility scooters as a serious fire risk, Southern Housing Group turned to Streetspace to provide a metroSTOR PSM Mobility Scooter Charging Units to remove the risk.
Streetspace’s project consultant helped identify a suitable location in the car park of the property, which struck a balance between meeting the recommended safety distances from the building, the distance the electrical connection would have to be run, and the amount of groundworks that would be required. As a linear design, the metroSTOR PSM best fitted the narrow space between the boundary and the edge of the car park.
The unit was specified with Firenze Anthracite FR cladding, which has an internal fireboard liner which helps contain any fire. Pre-wired and tested electrical panels are fitted for rapid connection to a suitable electrical supply. Streetspace carried out a full package of works including removal of a shrubbery, constructing a concrete slab and cable duct, and installation of bollards to prevent the access to the unit being blocked by parked cars.