metroSTOR Webinar: Engaging your Teams in Fly-Tipping Solutions
About the event
As local authorities are bearing the eye-watering financial costs of fly-tipping removal, hear about the solutions and approaches being deployed by other authorities to tackle residential dumping (bulky items and black bags) from all angles.
Join us for an engaging Fly-Tipping Solutions Session, hosted by behaviour change and sustainability expert, Livvy Drake with representatives from The Cambridge and Peterborough Waste Partnership and Essex County Council.
Learn about what Livvy uncovered in her research developing the Fly-Tipping Solutions Package for Cambridge and Peterborough Waste Partnership. What quick wins had an immediate impact for enforcement officers. Plus what Essex councils have used as part of a three-month county-wide fly-tipping campaign.
Who should attend
This session is designed for local authorities:
who are:
Event details
About the Host
Livvy Drake
Livvy and the Sustainable Sidekicks are sustainability research and engagement specialists, helping teams drive behaviour change using practical strategies rooted in behavioural science. They work with local authorities, businesses and organisations to remove the barriers to change and motivate pro-environmental practices. Their clients include the West of England and West Midland Combined Authorities, Fife City Council as well as Patagonia, London Marathon.