Cecil & Knebworth House, Walthamstow
As part of residential consultation with Waltham Council, residents of Cecil and Knebworth House and the local Walthamstow area raised concerns over their communal waste & recycling facilities, which were encouraging anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping incidents, and overall security concerns.
Seeking to resolve these issues to help ensure resident well-being and provide access to more secure and sustainable waste & recycling infrastructure, metroSTOR worked alongside the team at Waltham Council providing the design, manufacture, and installation of bin stores and bulky waste stores to external spaces on Cecil and Knebworth Housing estate.
3no. metroSTOR PBM Bin Storage Housings, clad in Firenze Black and Firenze Green to provide intent and distinguish the units, were installed in 3 easily accessible locations. Specific apertures for the bin stores were general waste and mixed recycling, with dedicated signage applied to advise residents of the accepted materials for disposal. A selected option for internal waste containment deflector plates ensures all deposited waste is contained within the bins, while a non-combustible fire protection board liner to all units ensures compliance with fire-safety distance recommendations by the NFCC.
Installed adjoining were 3no. metroSTOR PTM Outdoor Storage Units, configured as bulky waste stores. This is one waste stream that can be problematic to capture effectively in communal environments. Council collections can be restrictive if there is a lack of secure external storage space for items, and in these circumstances fly-tipping can become more commonplace; this was one concern raised by residents of Cecil and Knebworth House. The new bulky waste stores provide an effective solution to overcome this issue, enabling a secure, short-term storage facility for bulky waste items awaiting collection.
To enhance security and help ensure resident-only access to the new waste & recycling facilities, the council installed 2 nearby security gates with an intercom system. Feedback in their resident newsletter has illustrated that residents feel safer and more positive following the installation of the new bin and bulky waste stores. There has also been a marked reduction in waste overspill.