Martlet House, Saltdean
A metroSTOR PSH Mobility Scooter Storage is keeping the residents at Southern Housing’s Martlet House retirement living scheme safe by enabling mobility scooters, which represent a significant fire risk when stored and charging, to be kept out of flats and communal areas.
Martlet House is a sheltered living scheme on the edge of Saltdean, overlooking the sea. With 40 flats for residents over the age of 60, it was only a matter of time before the amount of mobility scooters owned by tenants became a fire safety. Southern Housing’s scheme manager opted for a communal type store, as the extra space makes it easier for residents to get on and off their scooters and allows other mobility aids to be stored within the store whilst using their scooters.
The metroSTOR PSH 30.50 provides secure storage and charging spaces for four mobility scooters. The galvanised steel framework will last for many years, even in this location close to the sea. The unit is clad with fire resistant Firenze FR cladding, consisting of a precoated steel external sheet and a MgO core fireboard liner, which reduces the risk of situating the store close to the building.