Myatt’s Field South, London Borough of Lambeth
Bespoke Green Roof Bin Storage for London Borough of Lambeth
One of the key objectives for Councils in urban areas has been to find ways to provide effective domestic waste facilities for residents living in flatted accommodation who don’t have room to store bins safely. Bagged refuse often has to be put out on the pavement for collection, which not only looks unsightly but can encourage fly-tipping and side waste issues which causes an undesirable impact on the neighbourhood, as well as regular costly caretaking inputs for removal.
The London Borough of Lambeth was looking to provide improved waste and recycling facilities for residents living in the Myatt’s Field South area to help encourage resident participation in recycling, promote increased biodiversity in the area while securing the bins at a safe distance from dwellings. Increasing recycling rates in flatted accommodation is often particularly challenging and research by WRAP in 2018 reported that London flats had recycling rates upto 50% lower compared to curbside collections from individual properties. The London Borough of Lambeth subsequently took part in Re:London’s two year research study on recycling in London’s purpose built flats with a view to using learnings to improve recycling rates from flatted properties.
Having previously worked with London Borough of Lambeth to provide a wide range of bin storage across a number of estates, metroSTOR once again worked closely with the Borough to find the best solution. A bespoke metroSTOR PBM bin storage housing was specified with Sedum green roof system, capable of accommodating five 1280L 4-wheeled bins with easy to use waste loading apertures, and internal deflector plates fitted, ensuring all waste is deposited efficiently inside the bin. The PBM bin housing units are designed to accommodate the four wheel bins with lids in an open position removing the need for residents to lift the lid when depositing the waste material.
The robust bin housings are designed to reduce fire risks associated with waste disposal, and due to the close proximity to residential properties were configured in a fire resistant cladding in black Firenze on steel framework, displaying clear signage for added ease of use. The unit was also specified with five full-height lockable loading doors fitted to the rear elevation to help make waste removal more efficient on collection days.
The sedum only green roofs offer an excellent microclimate and habitat for insects and birds, whilst helping to offset the urban landscape. As well as aiding biodiversity the green roof systems also contribute to the reduction of CO2 in the air, with 1m2 of green roof able to absorb up to 5kg of carbon dioxide every year. They are also drought tolerant, requiring minimal maintenance as they retain rainfall and reduce the burden on sewerage systems. The green roofs also absorb heat, which helps to keep the interior of the bin store cool – this helps to slow down the bacterial process and reduces any unpleasant odours, making for a more pleasing environment for the residents.
For further information on bin stores, click on the link OR give our team a call on 01227 200404