Compton Close, London Borough of Camden
Located in the London Borough of Camden in Central London, Compton Close is a residential area of the Regent’s Park Estate consisting of flatted accommodation. Located a stone’s throw from The Regent’s Park and Primrose Hill; one of London’s 8 Royal Parks, the estate has recently received refurbishment works to local green spaces by Camden Council, including new outdoor chess tables and an upgraded dog exercise area.
The works are part of the council’s ‘Camden 2025‘ programme which aims to promote strong and inclusive community growth through ensuring environmental sustainability, as well as maintaining efforts to mitigate the impact of the HS2 development in the Euston Area, a new high speed rail connecting London to the North-West.
A distinct challenge for many Councils of The London Boroughs has been to find solutions for effective domestic waste and recycling storage and disposal for residents in flatted accommodation and dwellings. Often, internal space in these homes is impractical and unsafe for bin storage, resulting in kerbside collection as the only realistic solution. The visual impact of this, however, is not only environmentally undesirable, it can also lead to the encouragement of fly-tipping and side waste, which then incurs costly services for removal.
Working closely with Camden Council in order to find effective solutions, metroSTOR recently provided enhanced waste & recycling facilities for residents of Compton Close that would help to encourage increased resident participation in recycling and provide an accessible facility for their waste collection.
Establishing a safe and secure outdoor facility for effective waste & recycling storage, metroSTOR installed a recycling hub and bulky waste store in a central courtyard location that provides active visibility and ease of access for residents, in addition to lying at a safe distance from dwellings in order to eliminate fire-risk. User-friendly apertures negate the need to lift and handle unhygienic bin lids, with clear signage at the front of the units that helps to provide intent and separate resident waste into bulky, general and recyclable.
The implementation of these external stores will help to negate opportunities for fly tipping and side waste. A consistent design theme was enhanced with the installation of a Sedum Green Roof, further enhancing the units’ view from neighbouring buildings and helping to promote increased biodiversity in the area.
Green roofs are ideal for incorporation to external stores. Actively protecting the environment and its fragile ecosystems, they help to foster plant and urban wildlife, reducing the ‘urban heat island effect’ and combating pollution by trapping dust, breaking down gaseous pollutants and absorbing noise. Research has identified that just 1m2 of green roof can absorb the same quantity of CO₂ that a regular car emits from a 50 mile drive.
To find out more about waste and recycling units visit Bin Stores OR give our team a call on 01227 200404