Green Roof Bin Stores
Bin storage areas are often challenging environments for design, with limited options for genuine value added enhancement. The facilities are often synonymous with bad odours, litter and vermin which then become hotspots for antisocial behaviour.
Providing attractively designed bin housings that are easy to use and situated in accessible locations presents developers and waste management providers with opportunities to drive real improvement. External wheelie bin stores are ideally suited to support green roof systems, with the lower height and uncomplicated construction reducing build and ongoing maintenance costs.
A green roof will also absorb heat, helping to keep the interior of the store cool thereby slowing down the bacterial process and reducing unpleasant odours. Green roofs also retain rainfall, reducing the burden on sewerage systems.
Two types of green roof can be specified on metroSTOR Green Roof Bin Stores; sedum only or sedum and wildflower. Both are lightweight systems with a steel decking liner, EPDM membrane liner, composite drainage reservoir mat, the growing substrate and finally the pre-planted mat. The sedum only type used a mineral wool substrate, and a mixed sedum turf while the sedum and wildflower requires a greater depth of growing medium to support the wildflower species.
Request a quoteGreen roof structural design and manufacture in accordance with requirements of BS EN 1090 EXC2 from mild steel section with hot-dip galvanised finish.
Green roof structural deck is constructed from full-length trapezoidal profile steel sheet with double sided zinc and paint finish.
Single sheet EPDM liner which is 100% synthetic and UV resistant with excellent puncture resistance protected by the geotextile membrane.
A geotextile lining sheet preventing any damage to the waterproof liner during installation or establishment phases.
A double-sided drainage and reservoir layer made from recycled plastic, which allows high levels of water retention and buffering in hot weather with rapid drainage in wet periods.
A growing medium made of virgin rock mineral wool fibres specially needled to form a 40mm deep compact and dimensionally stable felt, ensuring excellent water retention and conservation.
A pre-grown vegetation mat specifically designed for green roofs, sown with a blend of sedum plant varieties to provide extended interest and colour throughout the flowering period. Sebaceous sedum plants are adept at storing water in their leaves and are therefore extremely suitable for varying weather conditions.
Formed in galvanised steel sheet with a structural profile to support the membrane system and retain green roof build up. Optional powder coated finish available. Pre-formed gutter profile allows excess water to be released from the composite reservoir.
Golden Carpet
White Stonecrop
Bailey’s Gold
Czar’s Gold
Orange Stonecrop
Crooked Yellow Stonecrop
Tasteless Stonecrop
Coccineum Purple Carpe
Summer Glory
Stolon Stonecrop
Wild Carrot
Hedge Bedstraw
Field Scabious
Oxeye Daisy
Wild Marjoram
Hoary Plantain
Yellow Rattle
Viper’s Bugloss
Spiked Speedwell
Common Thyme
Ragged Robin
Greater Knapweed
Lady’s Bedstraw
Rough Hawkbit
Birdsfoot Trefoil
Ribwort Plantain
Salad Burnet
Red Campion
Bladder Campion
Carthusian Pink