Outdoor Storage Lockers
The metroSTOR PTL is a compact, secure outdoor locker designed for outdoor storage of buggies, prams and children’s toys in residential developments, helping landlords to enforce the policy of keeping communal hallways clear for fire safety.
The low-profile design of the storage lockers enables installation below window level and close to buildings, avoiding the blocking out of natural light from adjacent properties while providing clear lines of sight for the security of users and residents alike.
Manufactured in the UK by Streetspace, metroSTOR PTL profiled steel cladding has a double-sided zinc coat with colour finish to external surfaces and a white inner. The steel cladding wraps around the infill panels preventing attempted removal. Infill panels are supplied in pre-coated steel as standard with contrasting cladding option available in TGV timber.
The colour coated steel door is fitted with internal concealed hinges for greater security while locking options include euro cylinder deadlocks, mechanical keypad locks or an integral hasp and staple allowing users to supply their own padlock.
metroSTOR PTL secure bike stores are delivered fully assembled enabling swift installation on sound and level hard surface with an innovative base plinth design that enables reliable ground fixing with units set at uniform line and level.